
Friday, September 25, 2015

State of My Game

Most appropriate image I could think of
Greetings Gentlereaders,

It's been a while, but grad school has me doing enough reading and writing on my computer that I don't always get in a game, much less write about anything I don't have to.  Far from abandoning the blog, I've been trying to deepen my understanding of WM/H and playing Cygnar been doing a lot to help with that.  I'll be trying to give an impression of my experiences with each of my armies and the systems they exist within.  I'm still somewhat a journeyman with regards to both, but I'm learning more and thought it best to share that experience with you all.  Maybe there's something you hadn't considered that it will bring to light, maybe there's something I haven't seen that you can point out to me.  But enough talk, have at you!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

RoBPod #29: X-Wing Wave VII and the 501st

Hey guys, in celebration of our 501st post, we've done an X-Wing podcast discussing the release of Wave VII and the new Force Awakens Starter!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Reformation Theses for 40k

I've finally done it. I've sat down and committed to article a proposed changelog for 40k. I've had the fortune of a lot of good discussion with friends and peers whom I respect greatly within the 40k community recently, and after seeing many of them leave the hobby for other games (30k and X-Wing, with some splatters of WM/H) I've tried to distill a list of things that grinds our gears for 40k. It's not a comprehensive log, and won't fix all gripes for all players. It's quick. It's dirty. But I'd like to think it's mechanical enough, and focused on the game rather than GW, to be able to try to kick around and see if it improves game feel for folks. So, here goes!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Honor the Codex: Building Steam, Talking Tax

For those of you have been longtime readers, you know that we here at Rites love talking about how 40k plays for different armies at different points costs. Whether we're talking about kill team, escalation leagues, tournaments, or apocalypse, it's fascinating to us to see the different dynamics that pan out based on available resources. So, that said, I'm fortunate enough that my FLGS is hosting a new 40k escalation league. After my last, very poor experience, I've decided to enroll my Ravens. They've got more options available to them, and I'm always excited to try new things with them.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Battle Report XI

Welcome to another Battle Report!  This time it's a wild and crazy 3,000 point per player battle where Orks but heads against the forces of Chaos.  For starters, we got to play on the amazing Istvaan table, which was designed for a massive battle at it's core.  Even though our armies pale in comparison to the scale (and beauty) of those it was intended for, it was a fast paced game.

I brought my Orks to bear against another local from my FLGS, and while it was a harsh match, he was a most enjoyable foe all the way to the bitter..... bitter end.  So sit back and enjoy the carnage!  I didn't have a copy of his list to put here, but I can give you the jist of both forces: