
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Indy Open Approaches

Hey Folks, and welcome back.  With August drawing near it's end, September looms on the horizon.  While normally the shift in months can pass with relatively little notice from me, this shift is a big one.  With GenCon behind us, it's time for the gamers of the mid-west to have something to look forward to.  And to that, we have the Indy Open!

Established for some time now, I am embarrassed to say that I have never actually had the fortune myself to actually make it down.  Be it school, work, or just personal life, I have just never had a chance to make it down.  I know the guys down there put on a great show, and it's been sad to miss it.  But no more.  This year, I change all that.  This year, I'm heading down!

But I don't intend to just show up and play.  I'd like to pull out some of the stops and really give the guys at Indy my full support.  So I'm gonna do what I can to get some Rites coverage for the event.  I'm gonna bring my camera and actually get some video coverage posted up on here covering the event.  With my new job, I actually have access to some nice equipment.  Equipment that I have long been trying to put to use for some sorely long overdue Battle Reports for the site.  Only problem is said job keeps me pretty busy.

But I also want to gear up for the event as well.  I am working hard to prep my army for the event, pulling out the stops on my hobby table to get them painted up and based.  It's been a real joy to see my brushes once again, and to get these models past their primed state and finished up.  Kind of inspires me to write some fluff for the army list I'm drafting up.  If the event has some fluff behind it, I may even write up the story to fit the "cannon" of the event.  Some nice lore, some fancy looking lists... All in a good days hobbying for me.

But enough of my silly plans, you guys need some information!

The Indy Open Grand Tournament

Date: 1.701.014.M3 - 1.704.014.M3
(September 13-14 for those of you not versed in the Imperial Dating Schematics)

Points Limit: 1850

Event Missions: Link to the Mission List

Allowed Units: Check out the List Here

Event FAQ: Link to the Current FAQ

Rounds: 7
  • Day 1: Rounds 1-4
  • Day 2: The Top 8 Will play in the finals

Prize Support: Yes!
  • The Best General will be invited to the Nova 2015 Invitational!
  • The Best Overall will receive a weekend badge for the 2015 Adeptacon!
  • Best Painted Army will receive free entry into Tippcon 2015
  • Much much more!

This is the third of four events hosted in the Indiana Tournament Circuit.  Following this event will be the Indiana Championships. If you have any questions, send them an email at

So there you have it folks!  Register today to play in the Indy Open.  I know the Rites crew will be there, and we'll look forward to seeing you guys there too.  As an added bonus, I'm bringing along my Black Templar army to sell to anyone interested.  There'll be a special sale price there at the con for those of you who don't want to buy it from my Ebay listing.

See you on the battlefield!


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