
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Podcast #15 - The Orkiest Codex Review!

Oi Ya Gitz!  Godfrey here bringing with me the Orkiest book 40k has for our newest codex review. Not unlike the Grim Dark, Orks is here ta stay, and so with my love for the army finally able to be shown by playing the army, I think it's only fair to let you guys know what I think about the codex.  It's a roller coaster of thoughts from ranging from the high notes to the low notes of the book.  I do go on a little at the beginning about 7th edition codex mechanics as it was the first of the new style, but I do take it to review the book more or less cover to cover.  So grab a brewski and listen up as I review the Bestest Codex!



  1. Enjoyed this, good show. I don't agree with everything, but it's interesting to see the different opinions on this book out there in podcastland.

  2. Thanks. I don't claim to always be right, and I'm sure a lot of my opinions aren't the soundest, but I'm glad you enjoy the cast. Anything in particular that stuck out to you as being off. I'd like to know if I said something that isn't in fact true or at the very least hear your side of whatever it is.


  3. Mostly different opinion on shootas and ard boys.
