
Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Quest of the Heretic

Greetings Gentle-readers!

It's rather late and I apologize for not writing for a while.  Over the last week I've been moving myself into a new room so that we can bring one more person into the RoB house.  Sometime in the next two weeks Corvus Sanguine will be taking up a defensive position in the house alongside Godfrey, Ishmael and I.  I say sometime, because I will be taking a two-week hiatus while I attend two seminars in Alabama and New York, respectively.  I will attempt to write the next articles in my Knight Fighting and T'au in 6th Edition series, but they will not be published until after I return because I want to be able to double check the rules before I publish.  Ishmael, Godfrey and possibly Corvus Sanguine will be taking up the slack in my absence.  Until I see you again.

I'm Underground Heretic, and Godfrey and Ishmael don't have to live with that for a while.

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