
Friday, April 5, 2013

The Dawn has Arrived


For years we have protected our empire against those who would destroy it.  With our blood it is kept whole, by our strength it has been expanded.  Our scars testify to the struggle we have borne.  Our hearts are heavy with the memory of our fallen comrades, but we have held our heads high .  We have fought  against the gue'ui, the greenskins and the menace from beyond to protect our families.  We have been met with treachery and malice at every turn, but we have endured. Though our conviction has not faltered  too many of our homes have burned and too many of our comrades have given their lives for the greater good.

No more!  While we have kept the inner septs secure, our brothers and sisters have not been idle.  They have be serving the greater good in their own way.  These past several months our por'la comrades have been testing new weapons and retrofitting our existing systems.  Today, we put their skill and diligence into action. Today, we drive the enemy from our homes and take the fight to theirs.  Today, we show them the strength of our cause and the inevitability of our destiny.

For our fallen comrades!  For Aun'Va!  FOR TAU!


  1. You know.. I think I heard what you said... but I'm sure that my 6 foot chainsword and holy bolter didn't.

    Perhaps you'd be so kind as to repeat your filthy xeno propaganda to them.

    1. Of course! However, in the interest of time and seeing how far away you are I will attach it to my standard linear acceleration delivery system.

  2. Perhaps he will able to speak more clearly one the vile xenos tongue has been burned from his mouth.

    1. I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of my guns. Could you possibly speak louder or come closer?

  3. Across a vast section space a synaptic message is repeated in the minds of countless billions of Tyranids. To the psychers in the Imperium sensitive to such messages it translates into a terrible nightmare and a single word. "Lunchtime"

    1. Capital idea! After repelling the tyranid hordes, we shall return to the manta for sushi.

  4. Its a nice looking codex... too bad that broadsides cant have intercept and skyfire all at once ;)

    The possibility to get drones without filling a support system is great, and the new mechanics for drone controllers is fancy too...

    now i just need to find some model that will look like a tau but replace the fugly vespids... any ideas?

    1. In fifth edition I was going to use cadians with one jet from a space marine jump pack and a grenade launcher to represent them. Could take some serious conversion, but would look nice.

  5. Did I get this wrong, or is no one equipped with the "Longshot pulse rifle" (pg. 66, pulse weapons)?

    I guess its supposed to be the cadre fireblade... but he is not equipped with the longshot, nor can he buy any upgrades besides drones...

    1. I believe that is what sniper drones how have.

      As for vespid. perhaps something like this?

    2. You are right... totally misread the longshot thingy..

      As for the substitute for vespids, i really like it! What kind of backpack is that?
