
Monday, November 4, 2013

Returning from The Warp

Hey Everyone.  Sorry for my absence from the page.  The last two weeks have kept me away from my home and my computer.  Helping a friend host a game of HvZ, then went straight into a gaming marathon for charity.  It's been a busy time for me, but with those events past, I'm ready to head into the Holiday season with some new ideas of where to head.

I've got a couple of articles planned looking into FW and some of their newest content, as well as a review on the effects of the massive Horus Heresy model line.  I also have a few other topics to discuss such as a review of my newest Addition to my Apocalypse line-up.  Along with these, there are some new stand alone articles I've got in the wings as well as some updates to the series articles.

Winter is coming, and and with it a whole slew of new articles from myself to wrap up the 2013 year.  I'll start writing on the first of many to come, and I'll see you guys around the net.


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