Hello everyone, hope you are doing well. I can't say I've had much to write about recently, but I've got some news I hope you'll like.
As you may or may not know, my interest in 40k has been waning recently because of the 6th edition rumors that were floating around the net. Before I let the new sisters make you feel worse, I'd like to say that my attitude has been very much too serious regarding our game. Like a lot of us in the Muncie area, I've been looking into Warmachine and built a list.
I don't know if I would want to build my list, but I do know that it is friggin cool. Everyone in the army does electrical damage, that is my army shoots LIGHTNING! That is really cool to me. I know that if I ran into someone whose army was immune to electricity I would be screwed, but it struck me as a really fun army to play despite that weakness.
Right now I'm taking part in a seminar at Wake Forest. For those of you that don't know I hate flying, so I drove here. I had a good time during my ten-hour drive and started out listening to one of my favorite podcasts: The History of Rome (I would highly recommend it). Despite my enjoyment of the show, eventually I had to change it up a bit and decided to start listening to the most recent of another podcast, The 11th Company, and heard an interview they did with LKHero about his Salamanders army. that interview made me want to take a second look at my own.
So I thought about what models I had left, as I sold part of my motorpool to Ishmael for his army. I realized that I don't really have much left as far as ground vehicles, but I do have some really nice drop pods. While I know the list I'll put down isn't going to be optimal and could be done better with other codices, but like that Warmachine army, it's more about being cool than necessarily being good. And it's cheap to boot!
Vulcan He'stan 190
Dreadnought with Multi-melta and heavy flamer in a drop pod 150
Dreadnought with Multi-melta and heavy flamer in a drop pod 150
Terminators in a Land Raider Redeemer with Multi-melta 450
Tactical squad with meltagun, multimelta and sergeant with combi-flamer and combi-melta in drop pod 230
Tactical squad with meltagun, multimelta and sergeant with combi-flamer and combi-melta in drop pod 230
Devastator squad with four missile launchers 150
Devastator squad with four missile launchers 150
Devastator squad with four missile launchers 150
I would only need to buy missile bits, a drop pod and proxy my crusader as a redeemer for a while. Basic plan is to send the dreads in first, then just send everything at the enemy. It may lose a good bit of the time but all I can picture is Vulcan jumping out of a pod or the redeemer yelling "Their defenses are broken! Let the slaughter begin!" So that's my fun list that might just be better, to keep me enjoying the game than the optimal.