"Let the enemies of the Emperor rejoice at my coming. For the foul heresy of their lives shall be ended that day."
I myself enjoy this as well as many other games. I guess it's just an enjoyment I've had for strategic thinking and organizing my thoughts and actions into a well laid out path. Over the years I have moved from armies made for pure assault to those comprised of ranged combat specialty. While melee DPS was my forte, even in my long years spent in Azeroth (a successful case of one who could quit it for several years now :P) I always went the route of brute strength. There is an elegance to it's simplicity, and a strength to its raw power. But I have tried most every element that the game has, and continues to offer.
In the end, I always look forward to a good game, and beyond that I look for people who share the same passion and spirit of the game as I do. While I know I can get pretty competitive at times, I always say "Play what you Love, and Love what you Play." It's a good motto to approach the game with. Even if model dies, it make sure it died doing something awesome!
"I suddenly remembered my Charlemagne. Let my armies be the rocks and the trees and
the birds in the sky..."
the birds in the sky..."

I do enjoy the story of the 40k-verse and try to explore it in a few role-playing groups that I'm a part of but I'll generally be writing on strategy and tactics for Rites. If there is a particularly interesting story from one of those campaigns I'll write something about that. Unlike Godfrey, I play a lot of League of Legends and tend to prefer solo roles and likewise my opinions may seem a bit heretical to some of you. Be warned: I write long articles and will begin a discussion on most any topic if any of you are interested.
"Knowledge is power. Guard it well."

Since starting, I’ve compiled a Necron army, and have begun assembling a Thousand Sons war coven. I spend a lot of time reading codices and running math on how lists might work out, and spend a lot of time on list and codex analysis, trying to take each army all the way down to the nuts and bolts of their internal balance mechanisms. I try to write lists that challenge me as a general, as much as my opponent, and seek to dismantle the meta when possible.

I’m a fluff guy, so look for me to spend most of my time in the Black Library or being a massive hobbyist. But, occasionally Godfrey will drag me out into the light for a game or two. I’m always easy going with my games and never like to get riled up over a loss…but laughing heartily over some silly rolls is a damn fine reason to break my calm.
The Lexicanums
While no longer directly involved with running Rites of Battle, these writers have submitted a fair bit of work in terms of assisting with articles, producing discussion, and writing some of their own work.

As an aside, that picture is of me in Greece!
As far as gaming goes, I play a lot of League of Legends now, mainly because it's free. I read Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series, and have read quite a few of the Warhammer 40k books, the funniest of which chronicles the stupidity of the Soul Drinkers!
Notable Articles:
The oldest and probably most psychotic of the lexicanums, dramatt approaches the game and his articles from a straight forth and often hilarious candor. While his work has pulled him away from writing frequently, his love for the Blood Angels and enjoyable articles will keep him on board.
Look for humerus and opinionated reads from this writer.
Notable Articles:
Liturgies of Blood
Dark Eldar Poison
Son of Horus
Granting Rites of Battle a greater look into the depths of the hobby, Son of Horus brings an unquestionably talented and open view to the discussion of our great hobby. Being one of the administrators for Heresy Online, you can always expect a high level of quality to come from this writer.
Look for a variety of news, rumor roundups, and hobby articles from this writer.
Notable Articles:
Boltguns & Brushstrokes - Painting Faces