1) Honor and know thy codex. - Our first commandment feels very general, and likewise, feels very obvious. This means that it is beyond crucial. The marine codex is easy to understand and hard to master. First and foremost, it is a shooting codex. Deep down, most marine codices are shooting codices. Yes, each have their own special units which they love to get into assault with, but the core of your army, not unlike the core of 6th edition, centers around the shooting phase. If you don't believe me, go to your wargear section of your armory. Then, check the wargear on every model. You like to shoot, and that's a good thing. Failure to acknowledge this and compensate accordingly will cost you games. Not just that, but your army, unlike others such as Tau, Eldar, or Tyranids, contains no core. Your list should have no single linchpin whose removal causes your army to collapse. The remainder of the commandments will help expand and expound on this notion, but so long as you commit the first to mind, the others will fall into place.

3) Honor thy tactical squad. - That's right. It's a commandment. After a whole edition of hating the Tactical Squad, honoring it makes its way onto my list of commandments. And what's more, nothing really changed about it with the new codices. The care and feeding of the tactical squad, that's what's important. There's a few really important, but mostly simple rules, to making them not suck.
- The first, buy a transport. If you wanna talk about it or read about it, see the fourth commandment. This is not negotiable.
- Next, don't waste points on your sergeant. Depending on your local meta and the purpose of the specific squad, you might want to consider meltabombs or a combi weapon. Spending points on more than these two items begins to add up quickly though. Your model, without veteran upgrade, costs less than a plasma pistol. Even though I find the veteran upgrade totally worthwhile, it still doesn't change how the guy shoots his gun. This should usually be a cardinal rule for almost any model short of a crisis suit. Never spend more points on toys than what your body cost. You'll be sad every time you do.
- The third, fourth, and fifth rules all hinge on the second commandment: honor and know thy list. Have a purpose for each tactical squad you bring and never bring too many cover our third and fourth rules. Having a purpose for each tactical squad is fairly easy, as long as you consider the mantra of heavy, special, and transport. Keep than in mind and it's very hard to go wrong.
- Our fourth rule seems contradictory to the commandment, but I assure you, it is not. When playing space marines, it is important to be aware of your codex's internal balance mechanism, hence the first commandment. In marines, this means that you have relatively expensive troops (200~ points for an effective tactical squad with transport), but your other units are fairly cheap to make up for this. Furthermore, your troops come equipped with an exceptional special rule, called combat squads, which allows them to turn into two units should the mission require that you hold more points than you have troops choices. Thus, for your average list, even up to 1850 points, I will strongly recommend that you keep yourself to 3 troops at most. Generally speaking, your troops are durable enough, and your non-troops killy enough that if an opponent tries to just kill your troops and win by denying you the ability to hold objectives, you'll kill them faster.
- This does bring us to our fifth and final rule about tactical squads, know when not to honor the tactical squad. Yes. It comes full circle. If you've obeyed the first two commandments, and know your meta, know when to field an army of troop swaps and run zero tactical squads. They simply don't work for some lists and environments.

There we have it. The primer post to my review of the 6th edition space marine codex. Hopefully you'll all join me as I seek to compile the best review out there.