Lords of War
The Lords of War slot is perhaps one of the things which has caused the most controversy in 40k in recent years, and caused a massive divide in the community over its allowance. Nevertheless, many places and kowtowing to GW's mandate that it is an expansion to the base rules, rather than simply an optional extra. With that in mind, it behooves us as players to examine the options presented to us by the book. The question of if you should bring a Lord of War comes down almost entirely to if your force is strong enough to gamble with ~3 victory points comfortably. Generally, we'll want to make sure to utilize a cheaper LoW option, so that it doesn't compromise our basic list constraints (don't downgrade tactical marines to scouts just to accommodate a super heavy), especially if that LoW doesn't bring any strength D weaponry. Strictly speaking, most everything produced for Apocalypse has been stamped for play as a Lord of War, but the only one actually contained within Escalation is the Thunderhawk Gunship. It plays similar to the Stormraven and really isn't worth examining beyond that understanding. There are three which warrant greater detail though: the Warhound, the Fellblade, and the Typhon.
I'll also note here briefly that if in your play area, you're having trouble coping with an opposing LoW, consider disregarding one of my basic marine principles: bring more troops. Push yourself to 4 troops at 1850 and play to the mission at hand. It may still be an uphill battle, but 5/6ths of all games are objectives based, and putting more models on the table that can capture objectives, as well as some models or units which are big threats to LoWs (Sternguard, Centurions Devs) will force target priority on your opponent. They can either kill the stuff which can kill their Lord, or they can scour your troops. Don't get discouraged and play through.
Warhound Titan - Great
Fellblade - Great
For a few points less, you can bring a Fellblade instead of the Warhound. Now, it's not nearly as impressive a piece in terms of fire output, but it's still very potent, and possibly more durable per point. It's got a whopping 12 hull points, and the primary cannon puts out three blasts of varying sizes in addition to the demolisher cannon that comes folded in. This earns a great without any strength D weapons because it still does an exceptional job with crowd control, while being tough, and cheap enough to still include an army with it. MCs will give it fits, but that's what support is for (grav weapons ahoy!). This option is also significantly easier on the pocketbook than the Warhound is, which is certainly something to consider.
Typhon Heavy Siege Tank - Great
After blitzing through the Lords of War, we come to the first of the new FoC options which came with 6th edition: Fortifications. This buyable terrain was the first major change that tournaments had to make to the BRB, mostly because the rulebook treats it exactly as that: terrain. And with good reason: several of the structures have no guns or ability to be fired upon (they are actually terrain). So, when should your marines spend some of their points on terrain rather than their unique killy options? That's a tricky question, especially considering that generally, we don't want to give our opponent any more cover saves than we have to. In this regard, consider fortifications extremely carefully.
Aegis Defense Line - Great
Honored Imperium - Okay
The Honored Imperium is the epitome of the brief descriptor above. It is literally terrain. And that's why it's only labelled as okay. The points cost is low, but the benefit to your army in terms of cover generated is pretty low. No, most of why you'd consider these bits of rubble is the modifications they give to leadership. Stubborn really isn't the best rule, but it (or the fearless provided by the statuary) can definitely help you save some points here and there in costs of sergeants. It's meta dependent but far from the worst option available to us.
Firestorm Redoubt - Great
Vengeance Weapons Batteries - Great
In the same vein as the firestorm redoubt, there's vengeance weapons batteries. These bear similar firepower to the redoubt, but offer decentralization (they're a single or pair of turrets). This is for better and for worse. It allows you to set up kill lanes, but at the cost of the bunker. These do lack the special rules of the redoubt as well, making it a much more tempting platform for a battle cannon (and wow is it a cheap platform!). If you're looking for the battle cannon, definitely consider these as an out, rather than the redoubt.
ForgeWorld Goodies
Here we find ourselves. The last of our "native" codex entries. Everything from here out is allies, inquisitions, lists and tactics. And this is the furthest fringe of our definition of native codex contents. Up until now (Lords of War notwithstanding), every model and all the rules for them have been produced by GW, meaning their legality wasn't really a question. That's not the case with ForgeWorld entries though. Over the last calendar year, we've seen a much bigger push for FW to become legal, but many places still abide by the notion that they're unofficial and therefore require your opponent's permission to use. That said, I'm going to write this piece of my review under the assumption that these models are legal and considered part of the SM codex. Here then is our final chapter.
Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought - Better than Okay, not quite Great

Lucius Pattern Dreadnought Drop Pod - Better than Okay, not quite Great
Hot on the heels of the contemptor comes the dreadnought drop pod. The most recent rebalancing follows the current GW trend of allowing your opponent a full turn of shooting against something before it can assault, meaning that this fast attack choice is certainly less powerful than in the past. That said, it does still provide a 3 HP AV 12 shrouded cocoon for your dread to assault out of next turn. The problem with this model is the tag in dollars, rather than points, clocking in at nearly $100. Ouch.
Relic Predator - Great
Not unlike the contemptor, the relic predator is a slight tweaking and retooling of a codex entry. It's still every bit as points effective as the native one, whilst supporting a dazzling array of exotic and otherwise enticing unique options, including lots and lots of fire, or a conversion beamer. If you've got the coin, give it a shot, but likewise, you're not missing too much if you don't happen to have one.
Well then ladies and gentlemen, there we have it. We've examined every unit available to us. That's all there is, there isn't any more. And quite frankly, every slot has something worth including. The fast attack is certainly the weakest slot (due in no small part to troop bikes), but even it includes some choices worth considering. But we're not quite to that point yet. Next, we'll look at available allies options, so as to be better equipped in two weeks when we start to examine some basic principles of list construction. Hope to see you here!
I feel you left out the Turbolaser sporting Thunderhawk... a D weapon that cannot be Thunderhammered and cannot be D-shot back at (spare by the Tigreshark A-X-10). Since we are just mathhammering without playtest data, I think it deserves a mention.
ReplyDeleteI would normally agree but the inability to take evasive action, mated with AV 12 makes it kind of awful for its 750 point price tag. Not only that, but unless I've missed it, it lacks skies of fury, meaning it would have to land for guys to jump out, thus leaving it even more vulnerable.
ReplyDeleteI'm 50/50 on the thing. It's offensive capabilities aren't terribly for the price point, and it does offer some other nice perks (bombs, transport, etc.) Really the big thing is it is one of the few flying Strength D weapons out there. It's safe from most D shots, since they're mostly blasts, and really its just a matter of holding it back a turn and trying ti level the bulk of the enemy's anti-air options.
ReplyDeleteIt requires a little planning, but I'll offer that I think it's better than it is worse. You pay a lot for what could be pretty flimsy, up front and on paper anyways, but the fact that it is a super heaby (thus immune to most one shot pops) and a flier (immune to 95% of D weapons and requires skyfire to really threaten it) pays for the defenses in spades.
As i said, hold it back a turn, and use the time to waste enemy AA options. Leave them struggling to answer it and it could be a fantastic options for the old Marines.
Honestly, I'm really not sold on it. As stated, I tried to condense the article down to the exceptional or noteworthy selections and the thunderhawk doesn't seem to be either. Sure, it's flying D. But at AV 12, it shouldn't seem to play vastly tactically differently than the Storm raven (something mentioned in the article proper), and in fact, it's more limited. It can't dogfight at all, and it lacks the skies of fury special rule, meaning that hitting enemy S7+8 batteries is even more crucial.
ReplyDeleteAs stated, it's very very expensive. As in, more expensive than the Warhound. And it certainly feels less durable, and it's obviously got less firepower. Monetarily, it's the same story. The titan is by no means any less Iconic and is certainly more flexible in armament, if not in transport function.
And then there's the elephant in the room. The model doesn't come on to the board until turn 2 at the earliest, and without reserves manipulation, it won't come on first turn in a third of your games. Yes, you can build in reserves manipulation (options are limited to Tiggy, Sicarius or a comms relay), but it still means that it and anything it transports won't be on the table for a third of the game or more. That's between a third to half of your army which miss out on a third of the game, leaving you vulnerable to getting tabled before it gets the chance to fly on (especially considering the seize bonus you grant, as well as the warlord table), never minding the fact that you're simply not getting to fire or utilize the abilities of that chunk of your points. On top of that comes the potential problem of keeping effective use of that fire on the table without having to hover.
All of this goes a long ways to say that I can't justify advocating the expenditure. It's worth neither the points nor the dollars.