Greetings all! It has been far too long since I've had the opportunity to post here at Rites of Battle, and I'm here hoping to rectify that with this, a peek into the Raven's nest. There's a list here, and more than a couple photos of my recent hobby workings, and a few musings about the road before me. So, strap in for an article that has more soul than science. For readers who loved my HtC series, this will feel very very different.
So, just to clear up the elephant in the room, I am "done" with HtC. I might return to it if the book gets a third supplement and pit them against each other, but otherwise, as it stands, I'm as "fed up" with marines as many readers, and the "closing thoughts" of the series are in the next paragraph, paired with a list. If you're "over" the big blue book, party on past.
Chief Librarian Anteas - Counts as Tigurius - Warlord
Tactical Squad Corvus - 10 members - Plasma gun - Rhino
Tactical Squad Vidya - 10 members - Plasma gun - Rhino
Tactical Squad Purgatus - 10 members - Plasma gun - Rhino
Brother Trythios - Dreadnought - Drop Pod
Brother Thule - Ironclad Dreadnought - Heavy Flamer - Drop Pod
Tarkus's Ancients - Sternguard Squad - 10 members - 4 Combi-Meltas - 2 Heavy Flamers - Drop Pod
Fast Attack
Heaven's Fury - Stormtalon Gunship - Skyhammer Missile Launcher
Heavy Support
The Emperor's Fist - 3x Centurion Devastators - 3x Grav Cannons w/ Grav Amp
Brother Martellus - Thunderfire Cannon
That's where I've "settled" for the moment. My first pass list spent too many points inefficiently (choppy biker command squad using Ultramarine Tactics), and my attempt at running a full fighting company left me battered and bruised (though narrowly victorious, 70 power armor dudes vs two riptides and a heldrake is rough). The grav based list performed very very poorly (suffering multiple hard losses to daemons) and the company was an absolute bear to play and it affirmed my assertion that assault marines and devastators simply don't work for me. That said, if I get less afraid of the meta and decide to run Coteaz and some of my Eisenkern, I may return to devastators (woo Imperial Fists), but as it stands, Tiggy is the biggest reason I'm continuing to play the book. You'll also notice the TFC and the Stormtalon. They've been making top 8s for marine lists and they are just that good. They're both fantastically cheap and do exactly what you need them to do, shred hordes and devastate light mech. Heavy mech can be handled with some melta outlets (see my elites choices), and it really does work. Again, tinker to your meta and tastes, but this list has proven successful and "hard but fair" against Havoc's tournament list of Farsight + Tau, mostly due to finally living up to the core principles of my review. I killed his troops and my nonscoring choices were threatening to stick him with a horrible choice. Also critically undervalued in my review was the Firestorm Redoubt. "If it flies, it dies," and it bunkers a devastator team in AV14 while allowing them to fire as well.
Moving away from marines, we come to my fantasy plans. My Slann is being painted as we speak for my unorthodox Lizardmen army. They're going to be desert themed rather than jungle, meaning my skinks will be chilling out in and around oases. The intent with the Slann was to make him look old and leathery, sustained only by his connection to the acrana. I had toyed around with Tomb Kings, but wasn't entirely able to build multiple satisfying lists out of the army book, which is something that the lizards did offer me. I'm excited to get into another system, especially with 40k "crashing" for me. I may yet return to TKs depending on how I like Fantasy, or should they get updated, but until then, DINOSAURS!

The bit on Chaos though is simultaneously most exciting and most depressing to me. Working with Comic Cave, my FLGS, we have begun an Escalation League. Starting from 500 points, all the way to 2k, going 250 points a month (courtesy of a huge boom in new players!), I will be playing... Thousand Sons. And it is easily the worst list I've ever run, especially at 500 points. I own most all of the models (finding myself long term only short two rhinos, a vindicator, and a box of screamers), courtesy of having had this list drafted since Daemons dropped, and working toward it as a "labor of love" to fluff and models. I "true scaled" the power armor guys, and decided to use a Tomb King Necrosphinx in place of a Maulerfiend, just to play up the Egyptian theme. Each model takes me something around 4 hours to paint, but it really has solidified that notion of a labor of love.

With all of that said, I'm gearing up for some delightful shenanigans at The Wizard's Keep in Muncie tomorrow. 1850 points and wonderfully unique missions, sure to be a blast. Hope to see some of you there! Starting next week, I'll be back with Let's Be Friends! - Eldar. See you then!
I got burned out on 40k a while back around the end of fifth learning sixth felt like a chore I started playing infinity and loved it but by taking a bit of a break my love of the grimdark has come back after reading betrayer im starting a world eaters army out of the blood angels book. part of this is accepting 40k is no longer a competitive game and playing for the spectacle.
ReplyDeleteInfinity scratches my competitive itch if you've not tried it i cant recommend it enough the rules are free and you can proxy some 40k models to give it ago
Honestly, the competeive scene isn't my problem, I love the events I get to attend, the people who I get to play against, and the T.O.s too. More my issue is "lack of forthcoming project", which I'm first going to attempte to tackle by means of painting. I've played 40k for going on 6 years now and I have no excuse for not being able field a 3 color army when I attend an event.