The Talon of Horus
Aaron Dembski-Bowden has, for the most part, been quiet on the publication front. Following the release of Betrayer, Bowden hasn't released a full length novel in almost two years. Barring short stories, he has remained quiet and in work with two very large projects. The first being the long rumored and often fantasized Master of Mankind, which has no doubt become both the stuff of endless hope and long development hell. The second is The Talon of Horus, which Bowden has been writing and updating since the end of Betrayer. But, for his lack of published works, he has more than made up for it on his blog, chronically the advance of the novel and his different aspirations for it. To be frank, it is one of the things that makes ADB my favorite Black Library author. Furthermore, to coincide with the pre-release of the first edition of The Talon of Horus, ADB offered a contest for buyers of the first edition to take selfies with the book for an awesome prize: ADB using MS paint to draw pictures of him and you being friends.
Kind of awesome, right?

The story is told from first person, with Khayon offering his thoughts and experiences as the novel progresses. To ADB's credit, he has ALWAYS created multi-dimensional and fascinating characters that never seem to fit the normal mold and Khayon is no exception. As a legionnaire he is what might be expected from a marine, but he is kept human by his loyalty to his fellow legionnaires and to his surviving family (which is a curiosity that ADB likes to include for his marines). It is also interesting that ADB would make the protagonist for this a Thousand Son, a legion that never actively went traitor until long after their death. And, furthermore, a legion so steeped in mysticism and psychic power that they hold literal monopolies on their craft, which makes Khayon invaluable to whoever he chooses to sell it to.

It's not just daemonic support that Khayon calls upon, but members of almost every traitorous legion are called to the quest (even an Emperor's Children legionnaire, who comes to the fold under rather dubious circumstances). In addition, Khayon keeps a Dark Eldar woman in a rather sick manner as well as a gestalt entity that serves as the ship's machine-spirit. I would love to tell you more...but you might be better off learning their stories on your own.
Finally there is the big bad himself...who gets precious little love and support. When he is found, he talks of some wizened pilgrim who has called together a band to do a quest for him (So, you all meet in a tavern..) and then he gets revenge and does something cathartic. Then it is over and we are told there would be more stories.
So what do I ultimately think of The Talon of Horus? It's a well welcome return of an astounding author to the published world. Excellently crafted scenes, well made and thought out characters, and a plot that absolutely sucks you in and invites you to stay awhile make the novel an exciting entry to the Black Library.

But it never goes anywhere. It's constant teasing and plot that never lets you in on the ending. To me that is absolutely infuriating and detrimental to the business. But GW seems adamant about staying put and not giving an inch of plot. You can only go so far with this before people start becoming...disgruntled.
So, ADB, maybe lobby GW to let us have some plot progression...m'kay?
This is Trooper, signing off.
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