But there's a deeper issue or matter lurking here and it is this: at the release of 6th edition, the BRB allowed for two full FOCs at 2k. The outcry and backlash was immediate as large scale events almost unilaterally went to 1999+1. We here at Rites even weighed on this along with a significant chunk of the blogosphere, supposedly finding evidence or articles or interviews and quotes where the devs purportedly had claimed balance for 40k lay at the 1500 point level, and so many of us clung to this notion after years of seeing leafblower guard, Draigowing, and Loganwing wreaking havoc at 1850. It was a convergence that at 1500 the game became rock paper scissors, and many codices could max out certain types of effectiveness at 1850. Likewise, after the release of Apocalypse wherein these massive planetary conflicts were decreed to be 3k+, 2k seemed a big game, one that wasn't the scope of 40k. In the years since, we've seen 'skirmish' games rise. WWX. WM/H. X-Wing. 40k even reissued Kill Team. All or many of these are designed for 50 minute rounds and 4'x4' tables. Where did that leave 40k? Especially as codices have gone to the "everything is a detachment and you take a lot of them" format.
I've been coy about this, but my recent experiences with multiple GW systems, combined with the 'removal' of Apocalypse, the rise of the skirmish game, and the rapid onslaught of the detachment or formation army composition structure leave me to believe very very strongly that 40k is most balanced at about 3000 points. That's really heavy, and I may be totally wrong, but considering that the number of objectives has risen unilaterally, and that Maelstrom, in the absence of large points totals or unit volumes, seems only to reward mobility more and more heavily, I feel I have a strong argument. Let's consider Fantasy and 30k, GW's two other systems. Most of the playerbase I talk to for these systems feels strongly convinced that they're designed as 3k systems. If the same staff is involved in each, would their metrics or methods really change so significantly that this would no longer be the case? And by that same token, I keep hearing a larger number of voices in 40k saying that it's about a company level engagement for marines. Furthermore, as we talk about rock paper scissors at 1500, and how some codices maximize certain choices better at 1850, this does not in any way stipulate that there won't be a tier 1 at 3k, or that some codices are not better than others at large point values, but rather to highlight that most every codex has some more 'niche' options that are often eschewed at 1850, in favor of the maximize X mentality. The razor edge that my argument hinges on is that those same codices or players won't continue to only maximize X at 3000 points, and lead to matchups where players have to bait and switch and apply proper firepower to vulnerable targets or settle for adequacy in the interest of maximizing results in a few spots mid battle.
And then there's the broader implications: lists which use early mobility to deliver a crushing victory in the opening turns, and those who try to weather the storm (in no small part by means of evasion) and at the end, swoop in to hold objectives as the clock runs out and the game is scored. In some ways, it feels like we're at a very stagnant meta for a game like Magic. We've forced players into two archetypes: control and combo, and in so doing have stifled or choked out midrange or weenie decks. There's no room to grind and create advantage over time, and it's similarly trying to attempt to simply choke the enemy on volume of bodies. Ask Godfrey. He'll tell you he knows all too well that the 30 man boyz blob simply gets kited into oblivion by any half competent Eldar or Dark Eldar player, or even simply run over by marine bikes or bestial daemons lists. At this point, my complaint no longer hinges on GW's inability to properly balance offense, defense and mobility against the points cost of a unit, but instead falls directly on mobility, especially as highlighted or in light of Maelstrom of War missions. It's to the point where I wonder if it's even a worthwhile endeavor to play by the old battle mission rule of "you control a point until an opponent takes it from you" as those turn 6 lists still sweep that format.
This helps us segue beautifully into 30k, a system that myself and many others are hungrily eyeing and tearing into, especially as rumors of plastic kits swirl. And why shouldn't we? Gorgeous kits, eventual love for every legion in the form of kits, upgrades, characters and rules. For me, 30k is sounding a siren song because it offers so many of the best aspects of both 40k and Fantasy. It gets away from what I feel are some of the toxic elements of 40k (movement system) by playing something closer to Fantasy and normalizing or standardizing more points costs. Yes, this leads some to complain that the system is bland or samey, but I feel strongly that the legion rules, rites, and unique units will allow player to adequately distinguish themselves from one another.
We've spoken to this point before on the podcast, but the unique legion aspects and individual player preferences, especially with 3000 points to play in, offer some of those compromising firefights, where you've got to apply firepower correctly to specific opposing threats so as to protect your optimal counters to their list and playstyle in a way not dissimilar to chess. Yes, I've ranted endlessly about my love of Go especially as it applies to wargames, but for your consideration: if you know your opponent loves to utilize their knights, and he knows you prefer your bishops, it's a series of moves and counter-moves for each of you to try to divest the other of those preferred resources while preserving your own.
This helps us segue beautifully into 30k, a system that myself and many others are hungrily eyeing and tearing into, especially as rumors of plastic kits swirl. And why shouldn't we? Gorgeous kits, eventual love for every legion in the form of kits, upgrades, characters and rules. For me, 30k is sounding a siren song because it offers so many of the best aspects of both 40k and Fantasy. It gets away from what I feel are some of the toxic elements of 40k (movement system) by playing something closer to Fantasy and normalizing or standardizing more points costs. Yes, this leads some to complain that the system is bland or samey, but I feel strongly that the legion rules, rites, and unique units will allow player to adequately distinguish themselves from one another.
This brings us to Warhammer Fantasy, a game which has ended (not really). By this, I mean many of us are currently aware of all the "Chicken Little" clickbait that's out there regarding the end of the end times campaign. And it's my understanding, still, that WHFB is not moving wholesale to round bases, nor is GW expected to squat any races (especially not my dear, copyright protect-able Lizardmen). In the midst of all this, the Escalation League has continued swimmingly at my FLGS. My wins are few, but it's been exciting, almost like a breath of fresh air. I've had two large and expansive armies to swap between and it has unquestionably spoiled me. Each week I get to crack open one book or the other and just try something that feels interesting. Like I said, the wins are few, but the learning experience is second to none, and my opponents have been caught off guard by more than a few things from the Lizards, as I seem to be the only one playing them, or at the very least, the only one they've played against. Furthermore, it's been really fun to delve into the unique intricacies of each of my two armies. They share potency in the magic phase, but to radically different ends, and for such a heavily standardized system, each feels wonderfully unique.

And there we have it. It's been a big year for me in games, and here's a toast to another. It's had ups and downs, highs and lows, but despite my complaints, things really do just keep getting better and better.
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