Warp Spiders have a tactic that doesn't spring to mind when you look at them. They don't come dual armed, nor do they have the option for grenades and only the exarch can buy a power weapon, but with the exarch power withdraw warp spiders can be a worthwhile assault unit. Don't get me wrong, they won't stand up to assault units from other codices or even their own, but they can be used for defensive assaulting. Instead of letting that squad of assault marines assault you, charge them! This takes away their bonus attack for charging and gives it to you. After a round of death spinners the unit will probably be weakened to the point that you can pass your leadership, should you lose combat or you may even win. During the opponent's turn stay locked in combat, depriving the enemy of their movement and possibly finishing them off. At the end of their assault phase don't roll a six on your Hit and Run test and you get 3D6 movement in any direction. I generally don't like the exarch upgrade, but this tactic and the avenger bladestorm are well worth buying the exarch for.

Rangers make the invite list, but only five. These guys may not seem like a fitting choice in a mechanized army, but their ability to stay static and fire while being somewhat durable is an asset. Yeah, they don't have any strength six for my strength six army theme, but they can wound monstrous creatures as is they were strength six (or eight for the wraithlord) and they have blown up a rhino for me.
Their rules lend them to staying in a crater all game, but on Capture and Control that is a gift straight from Khaine. Without upgrading them to Pathfinders they have Move Through Cover and Stealth, with the upgrade they gain an additional bonus to their cover save and ignore difficult terrain. For 95 points I can throw these guys on a point and have them kiss the dirt to stay alive all game. These guys can't move much if they want to kill anything, so they can Infiltrate where they want to. If they can hold down one point and not attract attention, they've done their job which isn't so much to kill anything, but to take the responsibility of holding a rear point so my other troops choices can move forward and fight.

At lower points levels I may bring some guardian jetbikes, but at 2000 they don't bring enough fire power for my tastes. They are durable (for Eldar) and can move quickly, but they only bring a eight catapult shots and six cannon shots for 152 points. For the same amount I can bring the most feared and in my opinion best Eldar troops unit, the avenger bladestorm squad. Consisting of nine avengers, exarch with two guns and the bladestorm power this can put out 44 strength four shots over two turns or 32 shots in a single turn albeit at the cost of the next turn's shooting. I bring two of these squads to be able to claim up to three objectives. I don't expect to ever be able to claim a full three, but if I can claim one and contest the rest I'll win. In my experience from playing Tau says the best way to hold a point is to clear it's occupants and then stroll up, no need for orky fightin. But even as good as dire avengers are, they can't do it by themselves.

But there you have it, my latest take on the dying race that used to control the galaxy. So far I've played three very fun games with it against B, ZerkeX and Anthony, losing every one. I underestimated B's beastmaster squad and wasn't able to stop him from dropping a webway portal that brought in suppression fire on my wave serpent before annihilating them. ZerkeX managed to keep his blood claws holding a point and getting a lone wolf to my lines that I simply couldn't kill (tough five, Feel No Pain, two wounds and terminator armor). Anthony's orky boyz held his point and I couldn't get a last exarch close enough to hold a point, but my farseer did punch out a deff dread without dying. I don't know if this army will be better than the seer council, but it certainly is more fun to play with and in the end that matters most.
They were grey hunters, not blood claws. I only run the big footsloggin claws, otherwise their numbers just are not enough.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately you have come right across the the most depressing part of playing a 4th edition codex: all those cool units you like are probably bad. Thats why I like playing DOW2 sometimes, I get to use normally bad units like Warp Spiders (which are insane in DOW2 fyi), Wraithlords, the Avatar etc and get to watch them do something besides eating Lascannons/Missiles/Lances turn one and dying.
ReplyDeleteI swear by Fire Dragons because not only are they probably the most cost-efficient and thus "best" unit in the codex, they make my opponent swear too. "WTF, 80 points for 5 guys with melta guns/bombs1?!?!" is usually the response you get when you describe Fire Dragons to people. In an outdated codex riddled with bad choices you have to consider the few standout units like Fire Dragons above other things if you want a half way decent list.
This is just part of my 40K philosophy though. I rarely get attached to particular units in a codex (a good example of a unit I love is the new Reaver Jetbikes, not only are they freakin' sweet models but they can do so much for an army), I just love the army overall. I see individual units more like tools than people yearning for my attention.
I love the Eldar army as a whole. I love my Eldar army. That said, my Eldar list is just one of the few effective lemonades you can make from the lemon that is the Eldar codex. When you aren't into squeezing every last drop to make the drink drinkable, what do you get?
it sounds like god has given thee a lemon...
ReplyDeleteLooks likes it's time for you to FIND A NEW GOD(emperor)!
Heh , we didnt even saw him at the first time we played DOW .. its just like he is a Symbol of nothing ... Thy God Emperor makes me feel wanna burn some dreadnought and space marines for what their believing ..
ReplyDeleteI played WH Space Marines , and i think it would be better Relic build up a Eldar version coz im still satisfied by just playin' em in strategy game ..
Just imagine , how its looks like when we're battle as Banshees .. just like WH Space Marines ... it would be AWSOME !! probably arent banshees ( ma favourite unit ) , it could be all of Eldars' Fleet ! haha