In other news; is it cheesecake? |
Greetings Gentlereaders,
This monday was our fourth birthday here at Rites of Battle. All our lives, inside and outside the hobby, have changed quite a bit since then. We've moved out of the basement and try to make a respectable blog out of our site. We've moved out of the dorms and have our own fortress-monastery. Corvus has joined our writing staff while Dramatt and Ishmael are busy in graduate school. I've taken up a few different armies over that time, and found that there are some good people out there on the internet.
I'm glad that you follow this blog and that most of you read most of the posts, some multiple times, but there's no point to us spouting off non-sense without knowing what you think. I've learned from you all and I've enjoyed hearing new perspectives on the game while the gaming scene in Muncie dwindles. We want to hear from you, what you hear, what you think, what you would like to know. But we weren't gifted (or cursed) to be psykers, so we rely on you to comment and let us know what's going on with you.
If you are a regular commenter, please tell us why you choose to comment. If you aren't a regular commenter, please tell us why you don't choose to comment. We want to make this blog enjoyable for you as well as for us and want to know what would make this more enjoyable for you.
I'm Underground Heretic and I get to live with that every day.