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Atheist empire, caster even they say is blasphemous? Let's put it with a quote from the Bible. |
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Sadly, not my extoller yet |
And now it's later. The Spirit Eye is a pretty short range gun, clocking it at 8" where hand cannons (i.e. big ass pistols) clock in at 10". Add to that a puny power 6 to their power 12 and you're wondering why you're paying two points to get this gun when you're not running ancestral guardians to power up with the souls. Well, if you're against a Hordes army, you've just got yourself one of the most powerful guns in your arsenal. If you're shooting a living model, you get to add the target's strength to your power when you roll damage. Going up against the mirror, why not roll dice-1 against that titan and then boost it. Trade one soul for about a third of the titan's hit points on average dice. There are undead (minions) and construct warbeasts (Circle Orboros), so you'll be sad there, but against the other factions, you just bought yourself a damn strong gun. Did I mention that it ignores cover, concealment and LoS? Totally does, so I hope you weren't expecting to hide your warbeast in the woods.
Name that Art |
I'm kidding, they don't have hair.
Why do bring this up? I like to complain, I'm a wargamer. Also, the Extoller's special action Guidance can give any one friendly faction model (FF) in five inches Eyeless Sight and Magical Weapons. This means you can look through the woods and clouds as long as you want and ignore the Concealment bonus from being in the cloud or forest. There are some casters like High Reclaimer and eGaspy who like to put down a wall of clouds beyond their army so you can't shoot or charge them. The Extoller doesn't like that, and neither do I, which is why we get along so well.
Who you gonna call, baby? |
There's one more thing that Eyeless Sight does for you: you get to ignore Stealth when you're resolving attacks. Stealth in WM/H isn't just some minor defense buff like it is in 40k. If you're shooting at something with Stealth in WM/H and you're more than five inches away from it, you miss. If you're using an AoE, you roll to determine how you deviate. If you roll low enough, you might be able to hit it with blast damage (half power), but you can't hit it directly. If you're flinging a spell, same deal. Bright side, if you're more than five inches away and trying to shoot something behind a stealth model, it doesn't count as an intervening model, so you can draw LoS through it. Get your gun bunnies Eyeless Sight and those solos who are trying to use Stealth to get in and earn their points are pretty sad.
And that's why I love the Extoller Soulward. He can give rip a warbeast in two, turn your troops into psuedo-focus so you can get even more bang for your, and give out some amazing ways around sweet defensive rules. He's got next to nothing to do against Warmachine factions except stand around and be a support bot, but anyone who's played League can tell you how shit it can be not to have a support. So that's my 2 cents on my favorite two-point solo so far.